Our Story


 Our story with many years of experience.We've been operating our business for a long time .Furthermore At Titan Surgical Systems Full Arch Dental Laboratory, you are not just a number. We treat each case as if it belonged to our spouse, our mother, our best friend.
our storyour story

Our story

Titan Surgical Systems Full Arch Dental Laboratory .Offers simple, yet comprehensive surgical planning systems to evaluate implants in ideal locations. from an anatomical and final restorative standpoint. Our patented and patent pending technologies create various types of innovative surgical guides. That are designed to improve the accuracy. 

Implant surgical planning is easier than ever. Allowing the doctor to quickly and accurately diagnose .Plan a treatment and execute the surgery in a cost efficient manner without any initial investment or software learning.

We also provide a hybrid anatomical diagnostic models created from the combined multiple data files of the dental cast data. Study model or diagnostic wax-up information, and cone beam imaging data for further case evaluation or communication purposes. 

Since the success of surgical implant surgery depends on various factors in every single step of the process .From data gathering to the execution of surgeries.We designed our products with the detailed features to increase the accuracy of data collecting process .And maximize the accuracy of the surgery while cutting down the surgical time. Please try our surgical planning systems and experience the true ingenuity!

Us Now

Throughout the years.Titan Surgical Systems has grown and adapted to the continuous change of the dental industry.Seeking the best and highest quality results with the latest technology and equipment. We are big supporters of Zirconia and CAD/CAM technology.Utilizing the 3Shape Scanner. Unlike many of our competitors, everything we create is designed and milled right in our lab.

Finally we pride ourselves as a family-run boutique laboratory.Offering top-notch customer service. We believe in building a strong and reliable network of not only clients. But personable business relationships, accommodating all doctor preferences with open communication. 
our story
our story

Where We Plan To Go

Finally As the dental industry advances, so will Titan Surgical Systems Dental Laboratory. Besides we continue to adopt and integrate new technological advancements and products. With its consistent growth and many advantageous benefits. we will continue to utilize digital technology.Beside educating interested doctors along the way. We are incredibly excited about the future with big plans and goals ahead, and encourage you to join us!

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